Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reasons why I'm better than Edward and Jacob

1. I went to college.
2. I have a job.
3. I'm normal body temperature.

4. I don't pick a mate based on scent (alone). bella has a shitty personality and guys keep telling her she's special. she thinks shes weird. bitch, go to college and learn a skill.

ps. hey bella! remember when you had to hurt your father by saying he was bad t rising you?  so that he wouldn't follow you and thus would be safe from that vampire? you could have just told him you were sleeping over a friend's house or something. idiot. leve it to  jock an old guy to prey on a teenager who is  little bit special.

edward is a scumbag because he chooses to still go to high school even though he's 100. there is no good reason that he has to go! also, you can't just show up to high school. he put effort into making fake documents so that he could hang around teenagers every day. pedophile. he couldn't pull off being a college student just once?

5. I don't hang out with guys who fuck up their finance's faces. I'm looking at you jacob. Sure it was an accident.
6. i wont kill myself if i think you're dead. I'd go to the funeral. you're 100 years old edward. time to stop being a dramatic teenager.
7. I'm smart enough not to my sister who thinks shes right about everything. "i can tell the future as long as people don't change their minds" thats everybody alice.
8. I finished puberty.
9. I am confident in my self control.
10. I'm not  liar.

 ps. guys never lie to you when they say they "don't want to be with you" (to protect you or otherwise). they lie when they say they "do want to be with you" and really just want to sleep with you.

 hey jacob and edward! maybe the two of you should stop walking around with such confidence and act like you know what's best all the time. you never know what the hell is going on.

*i also don't have performance anxiety about sex like edward. "i want to marry you first so it wont matter how bad i am!"